Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another day is done.  Lots of watching things go on outside the window.  I didn't throw up today.  I took a walk and tried to chase the geese on the golf course.  If only.......  Bear didn't seem to care about the geese at all.  He just looked at them and kept walking.  He is no fun at all.  I just had a pupperoni.  Life is good.  I plan to go lay on the chair and continue my neighborhood watch until my eyes won't stay open.

Day 1

Today is pretty quiet.  I woke up, went outside, played with my food.  Last night I threw up.  I hardly ever do that.  I tried to stay out of the way while my mom did her chores.  We sat in the chair together for a little while.  Bear is not much fun.  He will never play with me.  I'm not sure why.  He moves like a snail.  In fact, he had a snail on him the other night when he came in from outside.  My mom screamed.  Bear ran. Not sure what else I will do today.  I plan on spending a lot of time looking out the front window.  The UPS girl taunts me.  Someday I will bite her (probably not because I've never bit anyone, except Bear).